Dog Habits: Begging PT to Stop Begging

Won't you find PT pleading eyes just enough reason to give him your piece of chicken even after his regular bowl of nutritious premium dog food? He will not stop if you start feeding him and if it does not show on his physique, do not risk till he starts to moan.

So feed him regularly the healthy dog food he accepts. 'Cos his digestive system is different from humans, feeding him what we eat like fried meat or sweets is likely to end him up in tummy problems, so keep him happy by having him close to the family dinner place so that he will not be left out and refuse him food on your plate.

If the choice is to feed him after mealtimes or rewarding tidbits, try adding to his usual meal tidbits at mealtimes and offer him outside mealtimes cooked vegetables or soft food like carrots, rice and low fat, unsalted cheese.
This will keep him healthy in body and attitude to manage his begging.


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